
Ładny brzuch

Witam :)
Znalazłem na internecie kod do obsługi gg8. Pozmieniałem go trochę, i oto on:
unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Sockets, StdCtrls; type TFgg = class(TForm) zaloguj: TButton; lnumer: TLabel; lhaslo: TLabel; numer: TEdit; haslo: TEdit; log: TMemo; llog: TLabel; procedure zalogujClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Fgg: TFgg; implementation {$R *.dfm} function gg_login_hash(password: PAnsiChar; seed: Cardinal) : Integer; var x, y, z: Integer; begin y := seed; x := 0; while (password^ <> AnsiChar(nil)) do begin x := (x and $ffffff00) or Ord(password^); y := y xor x; y := y + x; x := x shl 8; y := y xor x; x := x shl 8; y := y - x; x := x shl 8; y := y xor x; z := y and $1f; y := (y shl z) or (y shr (32 - z)); password := password + 1; end; result := y; end; procedure connect(gg_id: Integer; gg_pass: PAnsiChar); type gg_header = record t: Integer; l: Integer; end; s_gg_login80 = packed record uin: Integer; language: array[1..2] of AnsiChar; hash_type: Byte; hash: array [1..64] of AnsiChar; status: Integer; flags: Integer; features: Integer; local_ip: Integer; local_port: SmallInt; external_ip: Integer; external_port: SmallInt; image_size: Byte; unknown2: Byte; version_len: Integer; version: array[1..$21] of AnsiChar; description_size: Integer; end; var socket: TTcpClient; i_tmp: Integer; garbage: Pointer; // Tutaj beda tymczasowo odbierane wszystkie smieci header : gg_header; out_login: s_gg_login80; seed: Cardinal; const GG_WELCOME = $0001; const GG_LOGIN80 = $0031; const GG_LOGIN_HASH_GG32 = $01; const GG_LOGIN_HASH_SHA1 = $02; const GG_LOGIN80_OK = $0035; const GG_STATUS_AVAIL = $0002; const GG_LOGIN_FAILED = $0009; const GG_DISCONNECTING = $000b; begin socket := TTcpClient.Create(nil); socket.RemoteHost := ''; socket.RemotePort := '443'; if not socket.Connect then begin socket.Destroy; Fgg.log.Lines.Add(TimeTostr(Time)+': Unable to connect'); end; while socket.ReceiveBuf(header, SizeOf(gg_header)) > 0 do begin if (header.t = GG_WELCOME) then begin Fgg.log.Lines.Add(TimeTostr(Time)+': GG Welcome'); socket.ReceiveBuf(i_tmp, SizeOf(i_tmp)); seed := i_tmp; ZeroMemory(@out_login, SizeOf(out_login)); header.t := GG_LOGIN80; header.l := SizeOf(out_login); out_login.uin := gg_id; out_login.hash_type := GG_LOGIN_HASH_GG32; out_login.status := GG_STATUS_AVAIL; out_login.features := $00000007; // Bo tak ma byc out_login.unknown2 := $64; // Bo tak ma byc out_login.version_len := SizeOf(out_login.version); out_login.description_size := 0; // I tak jest wyzerowane, ale to tak dla pamieci, ze nie mamy opisu CopyMemory(@out_login.language, PAnsiChar('pl'), 2); { Dlaczego tak? A no bo po to, zeby miec pewnosc, z ze Delphi nie dolozy magicznie na koniec NULLa. } CopyMemory(@out_login.version, PAnsiChar('Gadu-Gadu Client build'), SizeOf(out_login.version)); i_tmp := gg_login_hash(gg_pass, seed); // Obliczamy hasha CopyMemory(@out_login.hash, @i_tmp, SizeOf(i_tmp)); socket.SendBuf(header, SizeOf(header)); socket.SendBuf(out_login, SizeOf(out_login)); Fgg.log.Lines.Add(TimeTostr(Time)+': Sent login data'); end else if (header.t = GG_LOGIN80_OK) then begin Fgg.log.Lines.Add(TimeTostr(Time)+': Logged in'); if (header.l > 0) then begin GetMem(garbage, header.l); socket.ReceiveBuf(garbage, header.l, 1); FreeMem(garbage); end; end else if (header.t = GG_LOGIN_FAILED) then begin Fgg.log.Lines.Add(TimeTostr(Time)+': Wrong password'); socket.Disconnect; end else if (header.t = GG_DISCONNECTING) then begin Fgg.log.Lines.Add(TimeTostr(Time)+': Received GG_DISCONNECTING'); socket.Disconnect; end else begin Fgg.log.Lines.Add(TimeTostr(Time)+': Unknown header'); // Odbieramy smieci if (header.l > 0) then begin GetMem(garbage, header.l); socket.ReceiveBuf(garbage, header.l); FreeMem(garbage); end; end; end; Fgg.log.Lines.Add(TimeTostr(Time)+': Disconnected.'); socket.Destroy; end; procedure TFgg.zalogujClick(Sender: TObject); var buff_in: AnsiString; gg_id: Integer; begin try gg_id:=strtoint(numer.Text); buff_in:=haslo.Text; connect(gg_id, PAnsiChar(buff_in)); except end; end; end.
Kompilowane w Delphi 2009. I teraz problemy:
1. "Błąd" podczas kompilowania. Wyskakuje przy linijce: procedure TBGG1.ChangeStatus; var Header: THeader; OutNewStatus: packed record Status: Integer; Flags: Integer; DescriptionSize: Integer; end; Description: Array[1..255]of AnsiChar; const C_OUT_NEWSTATUS = $0038; begin Header.Typ := C_OUT_NEWSTATUS; OutNewStatus.DescriptionSize := Length(FDescription); if OutNewStatus.DescriptionSize > 0 then begin FStatusEx := CodeStatus(FStatus,True); OutNewStatus.Status := FStatusEx; CopyMemory(@Description,PAnsiChar(FDescription),Length(FDescription)); Header.Length := SizeOf(OutNewStatus)+Length(FDescription); TCP.WriteBuffer(Header,SizeOf(Header)); TCP.WriteBuffer(OutNewStatus,SizeOf(OutNewStatus)); TCP.WriteBuffer(Description,Length(FDescription)); MessageBox(0,PAnsiChar(string(Description)),'lol',MB_OK); end else begin FStatusEx := CodeStatus(FStatus); OutNewStatus.Status := FStatusEx; Header.Length := SizeOf(OutNewStatus); TCP.WriteBuffer(Header,SizeOf(Header)); TCP.WriteBuffer(OutNewStatus,SizeOf(OutNewStatus)); end; end;
Moje pytanie - jak dodać ten kod do programu? W które miejsce go wstawić?
4. Jak dodać do programu procedurę odbierania i wysyłania wiadomości? Może ktoś już to robił? Można się posłużyć dokumentacją.

Z góry za wszelką pomoc dziękuję :)

  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • zsf.htw.pl